The International Federation of Surveyors – FIG was founded in 1878 and is a non-governmental organization, recognized by the United Nations and the World Bank, of national associations of members, cadastral and mapping agencies and ministries, universities and companies from more than 120 countries. The FIG covers the full range of professional fields within the global community of surveying (topography), underground topography, cadastre, assessment, mapping, geodesy, hydrography, geospatial data infrastructure, among others, and provides an international forum for discussion and development to promote professional practices and standards.

In the view of FIG, surveying is a modern profession that acts worldwide for a better infrastructure for our society and for planet Earth. The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) wants to maintain, and even improve, its role as the leading non-governmental organization representing the interests of surveyors worldwide. In this sense, the FIG activities are governed by a work plan, which is approved by the General Assembly and revised by the Council as its mandate progresses. The current work plan with the motto “Volunteering for the Future” guides the Council, Commissions, Networks and Task Force in their activities.

FIG supports the role of a thriving and sustainable profession of surveyors to provide reliable, affordable solution functionality for a complex and rapidly changing world that cannot wait, and to translate a sustainable development agenda into action. FIG supports international collaboration among its members for the advancement of surveying and cartography in all its fields and applications. FIG has close cooperation with relevant United Nations bodies, the World Bank and its sister associations and has been globally recognized as the leading international non-governmental organization in geospatial information and management of “land”, “sea” and environment “built up”. It is the researchers’ task to determine the size and shape of the Earth, map its surface and manage it in a sustainable way.

For better functioning, FIG is composed of several committees that deal with specific areas, but which are interrelated. There are 10 commissions, which in turn aggregate themes that have support from UN-Habitat, among other institutions. They are:

Commission 1 – Professional Standards and Practices

Commission FIG 2 – Professional Education

Commission 3 – Spatial Information Management

Commission 4 – Hydrography

Commission 5 – Positioning and Measurement

Commission 6 – Engineering Surveys

Commission 7 –  Cadastre and Land Management

Commission 8 – Spatial Planning and Development

Commission 9 – Valuation and the Management of Real Estate

Commission 10 – Construction Economics and Management

In September 2024, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) became an academic member of FIG, in a meeting held during the event in Malaysia. The affiliation has accredited UFSC to organize the event in Brazil, in addition to other benefits related to FIG members. Currently, UFSC is the only academic member of the country affiliated to FIG.

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